Help needed with revenge system

So i’m trying to add a revenge system and I have it so that when you get killed you get a death screen with the option to take revenge and kill them. However I can’t figure out how i would do this. But i did try this:

Here are the scripts:


-- Rest of the code

local Revenged = RevengeRemoteFunction:InvokeClient(enemyPlayer, plr)
	if Revenged == true then
		Humanoid.Health = 0										

-- Rest of the code

local script:

	buttonpressedRevenge = true
	MPS:PromptProductPurchase(localplayer, RevengeProductId)

for i = 50, 0, -1 do
      --Here is the timer for how much seconds/10 you have to revenge

		Revenge_RF.OnClientInvoke = function(plrToRevenge)
			revengeDesc.Text = "Take revenge on: "..plrToRevenge.Name
			if buttonpressedRevenge and localplayer:GetAttribute("BoughtRevenge") then
				localplayer:SetAttribute("BoughtRevenge", false)
				Frame.Visible = false
                buttonpressedRevenge = false
				return true

--Rest of the code for the timer

Sorry if the script is kinda bad lol.

You should make it so when they buy the revenge developer product, it fires a remote event to the server, instead of having the onclientinvoke, just use FireServer() and onserverevent.

Are you getting any errors when you run the code?

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I could try that but how can I get the name of the player who he wants to kill? And for the errors, I’m not getting any errors when I die the revenge description says: “Take revenge on: [player name]” and when i click on the button it prompts but when i buy it nothing happends. Is it maybe because it onclient invoke checks the statements once and when they are not true it just goes on?

Nevermind guys i fixed it. The problem was that the invokeclient just checked once and not every 0.1 seconds until the timer ended

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