Help needed with saving

Hello, I have a folder in rep storage with a list of numbervalues which i would like to save whenever a player leaves and load whenever a player joins aka saving there data ive tried a few things and they havent worked could anyone help me?

I tried this didnt work

-- Get the DataStore service  
local player = game:GetService("Players")

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")  
local playerDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")  

-- Function to save player data when they leave  
local function savePlayerData(player)  
	-- Create a table to store the player's data  
	local data = {  
		-- Add your data here, for example:  
		Money = script.Parent.Money.Value, 
		Bitcoin = script.Parent.Crypto_Values.Bitcoin.Value

	-- Save the data to the DataStore  
	local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()  
		playerDataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, data)  
	if not success then  
		warn("Error saving player data: " .. errorMessage)  

-- Function to load player data when they join  
local function loadPlayerData(player)  
	-- Get the data from the DataStore  
	local data = playerDataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)  

	-- If data exists, set the player's data to the loaded values  
	if data then  
		-- Update the player's data with the loaded values  
		script.Parent.Money.Value = data.Money
		script.Parent.Crypto_Values.Bitcoin.Value = data.Bitcoin

-- Connect the functions to the PlayerAdded and PlayerRemoving events  

This is what re[ storage looks like

Just for clarification’s sake:

Is your game going to be a single player game (max 1 person per player), or will there be multiple players in each server? Looking at the setup, it only really supports a single player.

Its gonna be a few people per server