Hi everyone,
I am encountering an issue with my script from a text button and would appreciate any help or guidance you can provide.
I am working on a shop for my game. When a desired in game part is touched, the Shop Ui pops right after (that mechanism works), but the shop has 3 other frames associated with 3 side buttons that should open each of the frame (as shown below).
Example: when button 1 is clicked, it should reveal a frame positioned in the middle of the screen (here is the Gamepass Shop Frame) and this should happen for button 2 and button 3 as well, but with a designated frame for each button. The main problem is that the buttons (1, 2 and 3) cannot be clicked and the frames cannot be revealed. I have tried different methods but none seem to work.
Here is one script I’ve tried before:
local textButton = script.Parent
local gamepassesFrame = textButton.Parent:FindFirstChild(“GamepassesFrame”) – this is how the main frame is named, the one that should appear when button is clicked
local function toggleGamepassesFrameVisibility()
if gamepassesFrame then
gamepassesFrame.Visible = not gamepassesFrame.Visible
warn(“GamepassesFrame not found”)
Thank you in advance for your help. Any insights or suggestions will be greatly appreciated as I’m trying to solve this problem as soon as possible!