Help NEEDED with Zooming

Sorry guys, didnt have a script today. But to get u a idea on what i wanna do ima explain stuff using default questions.

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

Disabling Zoom which does not zoom in whether you are on mobile,console,PC etc.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Well, Disabling Zoom

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

Going into starter player and fiddling around with StarterPlayer’s Settings. Looking on YouTube and DevForum alot about zooming.but COULDNT find anything related to Disabling Zoom.

NOTE: I am Talking about 3rd Person Zoom and i do know how to set it to first person. So please dont tell me about FP. Thank You.


You can just set CameraMinZoomDistance to high number.

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As @Downrest said, set the CameraMinZoomDistance and CeraMaxZoomDistance both to the same number, which would be the distance of the camera you want.

You can do this both at runtime - using a LocalScript or in edit mode


Just set this values to the same number, and you’ll get what you want

Note: This is under StarterPlayer folder Camera properties section

Change the minCameraZoom and maxCameraZoom, not the right names, but close, just edit them and it will lock the zooming

Hello everyone,
Sorry to tell u but you cant set minzoomdistance < .5. Atleast for me i tried on 2 different devices.I

Uhhm noo. Instead what happens is when i scroll/pinch what happens is now the player is stuck in FPV ( First Person View.)

What I meant is change both to like 70, 50 or any number you think is fit to your game. If you change them to 0 indeed it’ll be like first person as it simulates a total zoom in.

It Happens with everyy no. :expressionless:

Plz dont ping me for like the next 12 hrs.
Its like Midnight here so yeah.