Help on a request someone made

So today someone contacted me from this closed post on the devforum where I was offering my scripting services for free. I really want to help anyone I can, and I got the basics down, but they asked me to do something that I’m not sure how to do.

They want me to script powers like fire, beams, and lightning (they’ve already modeled it) into a tool. I have no idea where to start. What are the topics I need to know for this, and how can I try to implement them. I’m not asking for scripts, just some advice.

Well, let’s be real here. If you can’t make it, and you aren’t being paid to do it or anything, you don’t have to do it. Like you said, you were offering your services for free, and someone wants you to help them for free. You aren’t obligated to help them, and if you can’t help them, I wouldn’t take the time to learn entirely new concepts(not that I’m saying they are useless, just trying to convey that you should save the trouble trying.) You should just tell them that you aren’t educated on what they want you to make, and they should understand that.


Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that, and was pretty sure it wasn’t going to be worth it. Thank you for helping me in my decision. Just because though(I’m not going to do it), what concepts would that require?