Help on blender UV island flipping

I am really sorry for posting THIS in the devforum as it is more of a blender support post that studio support one… (But I am making it so that I can import it to my roblox game and also I am not a professional in modeling in blender so I really need some help)

So I am currently trying to make a texture for my glock handgun and then I came through an issue…
When I am UV unwrapping the model there are several islands that are symmetric(since they are unwrapped from either side of the mesh) and thus needs to have the same texture but in order to place one of them on the top of the other(so as to apply the same texture), I need to flip the them horizontally which I dont know how to do in blender…

Here is the pic:-
Note: the red and blue circle are the faces that needs to have the same texture and the blue is the one I prefer to flip

Now here is another pic to show what I mean:-

So does anybody know how to flip UV islands in blender?
Thank You!

I don’t think you can flip the UV islands like what you said. But you can try using the Mirror modifier.

That seemed to solve the issue partially, but I don’t want every symmetric islands to have the same texture…
So any other ideas?
Thanks by the way!

Cant you just rotate the island/move it as per usual? Just press g or r.
(G to move, R to rotate)

Use island selection of course

I don’t want to rotate them… I want to flip them.

Then just resize it in the negative way. That should flip it. (Resize it til it goes into itself and flips)

Wow thanks a lot. That worked!

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