I wanted to make a voting screen for a game to choose a level, but even after the template is made it just feels so empty and not like how I would imagine a front page’s UI to look
any feedback/advice would helpi would suggest adding a UIgradient to the yellow background to make it less plain
Maybe change the dark yellow to something else more bright, also maybe make the dark yellow frame round and make the Vote for Map! Text a little bigger Hope that helps.
Took both yours and @TinyWisdom 's ideas into account starting to look a bit better might mess with the colors a bit more tho
Not a pro at UI design, but I’ve messed with a bit of photoshop so here is my take.
Does your background color have to be yellow? Yellow is a really intense color to the eye. How about a gradient of some sort?
You could a border around some of your text to make it look more organized and create a sense of unity.
Bangers (I think that is the name of that font?) is a nice font, but it seems to be the only font and is also a bit of an “intense” font to the eye. Maybe use one font for titles, could be bangers font, and a less “intense” font for subtitles?
Edit: Also, instead of using “Match Starts In: X” you could replace it with an icon and number timer. Just my opinion on making it a bit more polished and simple.
this looks alot cleaner and more professional. i would suggest messing around with borders and text font, strokes and transparency until you get the perfect combo. For this background i would suggest maybe a black stroke for the text like you have and maybe switch up the fonts, i personally like GothamBlack and Cartoon and have been using them recently but its up to u. Nice job
I would add some lines, or somenthing like that
My version (made very quickly)
Hope you will make it the best!
Have an awesome day!

That, looks, absolutely epic!
Good job bro
Could you also send the game link?
I would like to try it
Have an awesome day!
game is currently in early dev stage but the cord is this GqHKwBb
What is cord?
Sorry im confused xD
they probably mean the Discord code for their server.
Oh, that is maybe the cord xDD my bad. Thanks
Wow! Sorry for the late reply but your improvement is remarkable.
I really like the border you added as well.
Very polished and professional!
Great work!