Help on Finding a Good Game Genre!

(Please let me know if this is in the wrong category)

Hello fellow developers! I am currently struggling with figuring out what kind of game I want to make. I’ve searched and searched, but I can’t seem to find a good type of game to create. Does anyone have any ideas on a good game genre, or just advice in general?

Many thanks!

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You could try to find a genre of a Game that is usually popular right now

My advice in general regarding game development would be to create a game you actually think is enjoyable to play. If you only focus on what is popular and not what you enjoy working on then the work can feel very tedious and there is a high risk that you will not have the motivation to finish it.

Regarding ‘good’ genres on Roblox I would probably say games that has a world that feels fun to just hang around in. If the game is only focused around a specific activity then the game can become boring fast once you don’t feel like doing that anymore.

The main concept behind Adopt Me is collecting pets. But if that was the only thing you could do and nothing more then I think players would get bored quite easily. You can decorate your home and hang out in the world and show off your stuff and things like that.

People in general loves to show off and to feel like they are achieving goals and progressing.
Create an interesting world, allow players to collect rare things and make a system where they can show of their achievements to others.

This mostly became a rant but perhaps you can find some good advice in there. Good luck with your game!


Don’t use a premade genre, cross two opposite genres to make your own! Maybe a horror racing game, or an on rails shooter rhythm game!

maybe you can get inspired by @Qin2007 or some one other
but please dont just copy it