Help On How To Get An NPC To Respawn On death

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I want my NPC to respawn on death, But nothing seems to be working. I’ve just started scripting so I need help, I’ve tried many tutorials but I cant find any that work. If you could send me a script or video that would be very useful for future scripting.

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You’ll need to listen for the Humanoid.Died event, so you can detect when the NPC is dead, then you can spawn it in again.

You will have to use Humanoid.Died to check when the humanoid dies, as what @Syclya said.

local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local function respawn(humanoid)
	local respawned = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").characters:FindFirstChild(humanoid.Parent.Name)
	if respawned then
		respawned.Parent = workspace
		--relocate respawned humanoid

would disconnect help to? better optimization

You won’t need to disconnect unless it double-fires. Otherwise, you should be good.

But, in that case, use this:

local connection = Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()

No, since the ‘Died’ connection needs to remain connected in order for the NPC to respawn multiple times.