Help on improving current profile class script

So, I am currently making a script for implementing a profile class using OOP, and I made a function on updating the old data of a joining player whenever the values in the profile table get updated.

It seems to work just fine, but I was wondering whether I could improve upon this current script and try to optimise it.

Here is the code:

local profile = {}
profile.__index = profile

function, self)
	repeat task.wait() until player.Character ~= nil
	if self then return setmetatable(self, profile) end --if another profile is sent as a param (self), then return metatable for that profile
	local self = setmetatable({}, profile)
	self.Name = player.Name
	self.Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	self.Rank = player:GetRoleInGroup(2568175)
	self.BanProfile = {
		IsBanned = false,
		UnbanDate = nil,
		StaffWhoBanned = nil
	return self

function profile:SetCharacter(character)
	self.Character = character

function profile:SetName(name)
	self.Name = name

function profile:UpdateData(player)
	local oldProfile = self
	if self.BanProfile.IsBanned == true then
		error("Error: could not update player data, player is banned")
		local self =
		for i,v in ipairs(oldProfile) do
			self[v] = oldProfile[v]
		return self

--ill add more functions here in the future lol

return profile

If you need any extra info about the script, I am welcome to give it to you. Thanks