Help on making models

Hi. So I’m pretty good at building. Right now im building a football stadium for someone, but that’s not the point. I’ve messed around making houses and other stuff, but I always feel like its not what I want. I look at tutorials, but I learn nothing from them. What should I do to become better?

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practice makes perfect and getting inspiration from others

I also suffer from the same thing, but it’s good to just practice and learn or your way even if it’s not going how you want it too…Work on stuff that you are struggling on and work up, Hope this helped good luck!
-Kalopsia :happy3:

I try but I dont understand. I really need to learn how to make a model of gun but i konw nothing.

try this: its how i learned to create a gun.

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question does blinder run on chromebook?

I am pretty sure Blender works on Chromebook; Also there is multiple ways you can get ideas, as you wanted to make a Gun in Blender, try doing that first start small than go big…Good luck once again!
-Kalopsia :happy3: :+1:

lol I’ve never used blender. Wish me luck.