Hi everyone.
I need some help with my tower icons for Guardians: Into the Fray.
What icons do you think represent “vulnerable” and “protected” from the perspective of the attacker (ie what icon looks like you can/can’t attack a tower)?
I’m trying to come up with some icons that will sit alongside the text above the towers, to represent whether you can attack them or not. Currently, the text is “vulnerable” and “protected”.
The problem I’m having is that traditional “vulnerable” icons would be a shield with a cross through it. But this feels like it’s from the perspective of the person who owns the tower.
From the perspective of the attacker (for example) the shield with a cross through might imply that you can’t attack it (because of the cross).
I’ve done a few searches on Google for different images and researched a few existing MOBAs (such as DOTA2, Smite etc) but they don’t quite have the same visual aid as I want (probably because the player base is used to what happens in a MOBA).
I think I do need icons to help because a MOBA isn’t a normal game style that people on Roblox are used to playing.
Any thoughts? Would a shield with a tick or cross confuse you? Any other icons that might better help get across if the tower you want to attack is protected or vulnerable?