Help on Page Collecting System


I want to make a page collecting system, I already worked on the page script.
I want it so that when every page is collected (8/8), they all respawn in random locations, and then a number between 8 and 12 will be chosen to select the amount of pages that will have to be collected next time.

Here is the page script:

local page = script.Parent

local click = page.ClickDetector

local pagenumber = game.StarterGui.StatsGui.PageNumberLabel

local function CollectPage()

page.Transparency = 1





I want the text label to add up too, like 1/8 or 5/8. I don’t know how to setup the respawning script as well as the random spawning.

For the text label, make a Folder in Workspace for the pages and Name it “Pages”. (Put the pages in there, and make sure to spawn them there when they respawn)

Then, you could add a value inside the player. (New Script in SSS)


local PlayerStats ="Folder")
PlayerStats.Name = "PlayerStats"
PlayerStats.Parent = player

local Pages ="IntValue")
Pages.Name = "Pages"
Pages.Parent = PlayerStats

Then, inside the script you have, inside the function, do:

player.PlayerStats.Pages.Value += 1
pagenumber.Text = player.PlayerStats.Pages.Value.."/"..#workspace.Pages:GetChildren()
1 Like

This is simple.

local Page = script.Parent

local NumberChosen = math.random(8,12)

local PageTable = {}

for i = 1,NumberChosen do
local NewPage = Page:Clone()
NewPage.Name = "Page_"..tostring(i)
PageTable[i] = NewPage

Now heres what you can do for position.
Take Parts and Place them randomly Across the Map.those parts will act as place holders. Now Once you have created about ~19 Parts (make sure they all have different rotation or it will be boring and make sure they are on ground.) Make a folder in workspace and Name it “PagePlaceholders”.next just put all thr parts in it and make sure they have these properties :

Transparency = 1
CanCollide = Off
Anchored = True.

Next make paste this below the above script.

local PagePlaceholders = Workspace.PagePlaceholders

for i,v in PagePlaceholders:GetChildren() do
if #PageTable ~= 0 then
local ChosenPage = math.random(1,NumberChosen)
PageTable[ChosenPage].CFrame = v.CFrame
NumberChosen = #PageTable

for Changing the Text Label just do this before the above

local Text --= Whereever your text is..

Text.Text = "0/"..tostring(NumberChosen)


I’m sorry, I don’t understand a lot but the pages wouldn’t load in the place holder spots and the text still says “0/8” whenever I test it

Oh hey i forgot that there is a tini tiny issue with the script i provided for cloning. Please change it to this (only tht part ):-

for i = 1,NumberChosen do
local NewPage = Page:Clone()
NewPage.Name = "Page_"..tostring(i)
NewPage.Parent = workspace --this line was missing
PageTable[i] = NewPage

and i though that to make it easier i make you a function so this should be your final function

function CreatePages()
local Page = --wherever the page is
local CS = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local PageFolder = workspace.PageFolder or"Folder",{Name = "PageFolder",Parent = workspace})
local NumChosen = math.random(8,12)
for i = 1,NumChosen do
local NewPage = Page:Clone()
NewPage.Name = "Page-"..tostring(i)
NewPage.Parent = workspace

local PagePlaceholders = --wherever your placeholders are. Should be folder
local PageTable = CS:GetTagged("Page")
for i,v in PagePlaceholders:GetChildren() do
if #PageTable ~= 0 then
local ChosenPage = math.random(1,NumberChosen)
PageTable[ChosenPage].CFrame = v.CFrame
NumberChosen = #PageTable

print("Created Pages")