Help on Random Boulder Position Generator

Hello Devs!

I’m trying to create a random Boulder Generator for my game (or experience roblox likes to call).

In the output it shows invalid argument #1 to 'random' (number expected, got Vector3)

The script (its just one)

local Boulders = game.ReplicatedStorage.Boulders:GetChildren()

function GenerateBoulders(howmany)
	if howmany > 0 then
		for z = 1, howmany do
			local RandomCorner = math.random(,
			local RandomBoulder = Boulders[math.random(#Boulders)]:Clone()
			RandomBoulder.Parent = workspace
			RandomBoulder.Position = RandomCorner

Any help is allowed!

So what you can do is save the positions in a table.

local PositionsTable = {
   ["Corner 1"] = {123,24,243}, -- Position after the equals " = "
   ["Corner 2"] = {213, 12, 465},
   -- So on

-- Now you can just do 
local RandomCorner = math.random(#PositionsTable)
RandomBoulder.Position =[RandomCorner])

I believe this should work, However this was a bit rushed. Just to let you know you can only randomise integers/numbers, not vectors, Cframes etc.

If the numbers aren’t fixed then after the equals in the table you can just do workspace.Corner1 and then when called add .Position at the end.

math.random requires a Number value, not a Vector3 value

You’ll have to reference it in a different way, by choosing a random number of 1 & 2 instead, then positioning it to that specified place

local Boulders = game.ReplicatedStorage.Boulders:GetChildren()

function GenerateBoulders(howmany)
	if howmany > 0 then
		for z = 1, howmany do
            local RandomCorner
            local RandomPos = math.random(1, 2)

            if RandomPos == 1 then
			    RandomCorner = workspace.Corner1.Position		
            elseif RandomPos == 2 then
			    RandomCorner = workspace.Corner2.Position		

            local RandomBoulder = Boulders[math.random(#Boulders)]:Clone()
			RandomBoulder.Parent = workspace
			RandomBoulder.Position = RandomCorner

Unless if you want the the boulders to be positioned in-between those 2 corner positions, then you’d need to “Lerp” them


Your code made that the boulders are only at the corners, Not inbetween them. (i forgot to add on this topic that its inbetween the corners.)


Your code created an error

I see, so you’d need to lerp between the 2 positions then

Try doing this?

local Boulders = game.ReplicatedStorage.Boulders:GetChildren()
local Corner1 = workspace.Corner1
local Corner2 = workspace.Corner2

function GenerateBoulders(howmany)
	if howmany > 0 then
		for z = 1, howmany do
            local PositionRandomizer = math.random(1, 100) * 0.01
            local RandomBoulder = Boulders[math.random(#Boulders)]:Clone()
			RandomBoulder.Parent = workspace
			RandomBoulder.Position = Corner1.Position

            RandomBoulder.Position:Lerp(Corner2.Position, PositionRandomizer)


This time its stuck in only one corner.

This might be due to the fact that there’s literally no cooldown in-between the loop

Not sure if this would fix it

local Boulders = game.ReplicatedStorage.Boulders:GetChildren()
local Corner1 = workspace.Corner1
local Corner2 = workspace.Corner2
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

function GenerateBoulders(howmany)
	if howmany > 0 then
		for z = 1, howmany do
            local PositionRandomizer = math.random(1, 100) * 0.01
            local RandomBoulder = Boulders[math.random(#Boulders)]:Clone()
			RandomBoulder.Parent = workspace
			RandomBoulder.Position = Corner1.Position

            RandomBoulder.Position:Lerp(Corner2.Position, PositionRandomizer)

Uhh, It’s doing the same effect.

Also, You placed a random local with no variable set. I removed that so it can execute without errors

Ok so after doing some quick searching I was configuring the loop wrong

I need to actually set its position, then Lerp it next

local Boulders = game.ReplicatedStorage.Boulders:GetChildren()
local Corner1 = workspace.Corner1
local Corner2 = workspace.Corner2
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

function GenerateBoulders(howmany)
	if howmany > 0 then

		for z = 1, howmany do
            local PositionRandomizer = math.random(1, 100) * 0.01
            local RandomBoulder = Boulders[math.random(#Boulders)]:Clone()
			RandomBoulder.Parent = workspace
			RandomBoulder.Position = Corner1.Position:Lerp(Corner2.Position, PositionRandomizer)

Try doing this :thinking: I believe this should work

It does work but its on a straight line… But don’t worry i can uhh deal with it i guess

Thing is though, were you wanting to create random positions for the Boulders between the 2 corners? Or just near them? Cause you could add an offset value so that they’re in-between 1 corner & yet still able to roll (Still a bit confused)

function RandomWithinPart(Part)
    local randomCFrame = Part.CFrame *,Part.Size.X/2), random:NextNumber(-Part.Size.Y/2,Part.Size.Y/2), random:NextNumber(-Part.Size.Z/2,Part.Size.Z/2))
    return randomCFrame

This function will give you a random cframe within a part. I would just make one big, anchored, no collided, non-touchable part that has no physics sim attached and is completely transparent. This will account for rotation/orientation of the part as well. This is the same way ZonePlus does their Zone:getRandomPoint() method. You will need an instance of Random defined as random somewhere in the script.

between the 2 corners, so it spawns around the map.