Well hello theere.
I am gonna trryy explain raycasting to you.
First lets learn about how raycasting works.
Raycast or ray is like a irl ray. It has one fixed point and it can extend infinitely in fixed direction.
Whenever you start a raycast you give it a start or Origin to start at. That is a vector3 where it starts. Now it cant be static at one point can it be? So we give it a direction which is also a Vector3.
Now lets imply it in our code shall we?
game.Workspace:Raycast() --this is how you call a raycast
Now its blank so we fill it.
Let me explain the Parameters:
Origin: as described above the start.
Direction:The Direction you want it to travel to.
MaxDistance(optional/not needed): basicaly if you just set the direction it just goes on infinitely which is not ideal at all since its unneccesary in most cases. So we Mulgiply the vector 3 with a maxdistance(how manut studs do u want it go) so it limits itself instead of going forward infinitely.
Now this the Last Parameter which is Completely Option Yet its very useful.
This is a datatype which is call using raycastparams.new()
Its purpose is to filter things in raycast.
Lets say u dont want the ray to detect some parts. You can use raycastparams to filter them out.
So to do that we can
raycastparams.new().FilterDescendants = {your objects (must be a array)}
Now lastly u provide it a enum
local RP = raycastparams.new()
RP.FilterDescendants = {your objects}
RP.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
--or Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist and it will do the opposite of Blacklist
Now lets come to the real part. The stuff that it returns.
Raycast returns many things but i will explain main ones.
Instance: the instance that it touched. Btw whenever a raycasts ray touches something it ends and returns this stuff.
Distance: distance of intersection from origin
Position: Vector3 of intersection
Normal: the normal of face of basepart if any
(Least Used)
Now for your part.(assuming u are using a tool)
local part = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
local Tool = script.Parent
local RayParams = RaycastParams.new()
local Dir = Part.CFrame.LookVector * 100
RayParams.FilterInstancesDesendants = player.Character
RayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
local Ray = workspace:Raycast(part.Position,Dir,RayParams)
if Ray and Ray.Instance.Parent.Humanoid then
Hope it helps