Help on sizing models

Pretty much, my problem is this: I was making an office build in Roblox Studio, and when I made a laptop for the office, I came to a problem: I made it too large. Whenever I try to make the model smaller, I can make it as large as I wish, but I cant shrink the model at all.


-WalkingTalkingTopHat :tophat:


If the model is anchored, unanchor it and select it. Then size it the way you need.

It’s not anchored, I don’t know what else could be the problem.

In “model” uncheck Move

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Its not checked, and the problem is with scaling, not moving.

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Ungroup it and unanchor then resize.

Try putting a primary part in a group that is big, maybe that will help. Else, use the properties to edit the size

I tested with unchecking “move” and its worked
You can change the scale manually in the part section


I tried that before I made the post and it didn’t work. I also thought it might have something to do with the 2 unions, but when I tested it out I had a different outcome.

If parts inside the model are at 0.05 scale, then you must resize all the other parts


I do have some parts that are of 0.05 scale, let me see if that works

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Try using ModelResize, it might help you out.


I would check the constraints and the collisions in the home tab, uncheck both of those and try resizing it from there.
If that still doesn’t work then I highly suggest downloading the Model Resize plugin through studio. Also nice model hope this helps.

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Hi I think easier way to resize model is use of this one plugin:

it work like normal Roblox resize tool!

Thank you all for the ideas, I was able to fix this in post 9

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