-help- Permissions

Hey Developers!

I can’t add somebody to collaboration, if anybody knows please tell me.

Note the Play in the drop down list, change it. Only the owner has that ability.

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I am the owner, but it ain’t let me click the dropdown…

It says ObbyMasterMine is the owner. ObbyMasterMine is the person who can change permissions.

By any chance, you are not friend to this user, thus no access allowed. I believe that is the root issue.

I am ObbyMasterMine, he’s my alt.

What has been said is correct. If your having issues with elevating the users permission you can’t add users that you have not friended, you will need to friend that user in order to change their permission level and give them edit access.

There is a official thread regarding the changes of (team create); non-friends can’t be given permission; you need to be friends with the user for them to collaborate with you as that’s a solution with the changes regarding the requirements.

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