Help Requested With Basketball Dribbling Animation Script

Hey there! I have been attempting to make a realistic basketball game, but I have ran into some predicaments. When I change the size of the player, the animation and the ball itself distort. I do not have experience using Motor6ds or anything of this sort, so help is greatly apprectiated.

There has been a video attached displaying my problem, as well as a screenshot of how the ball is set up in the player and the Motor6D stepup.


Here are the different scripts:

Script Inside of Basketball

-- Detect when a player touches or picks up the ball
local ball = script.Parent  -- The basketball part
local possessionTag = "HasBall"  -- Name for possession tracking attribute or tag

function AttachBallToPlayer(player, ball)
	local character = player.Character
	if character then
		character:FindFirstChild("Ball").Value = ball
		-- Optionally weld the ball to a part of the player for smoother movement
		ball.Parent = character
		local ballWeld = ball.BasketballWeld
		ballWeld.Part0 = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")  -- Attach to the root part or hand

function check_ownership(player, ball, hit)

	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
	if player then
		-- Assign possession
		if player.Character:GetAttribute("CanGetBall") == false then return end
		if not player.Character:GetAttribute(possessionTag) then
			player.Character:SetAttribute(possessionTag, true)  -- Mark the player as having the ball
			ball.CanCollide = false
			-- Attach ball to player for dribbling
			AttachBallToPlayer(player, ball)

Script To Change Height

local events =

local Heights = {
	["5'10\""] = 1.000,
	["5'11\""] = 1.059,
	["6'0\""] = 1.118,
	["6'1\""] = 1.176,
	["6'2\""] = 1.235,
	["6'3\""] = 1.294,
	["6'4\""] = 1.353,
	["6'5\""] = 1.412,
	["6'6\""] = 1.471,
	["6'7\""] = 1.529,
	["6'8\""] = 1.588,
	["6'9\""] = 1.647,
	["6'10\""] = 1.706,
	["6'11\""] = 1.765,
	["7'0\""] = 1.824,
	["7'1\""] = 1.882,
	["7'2\""] = 1.941,
	["7'3\""] = 2.000,

events.Height.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, height)
	local char = player.Character
	local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	hum:FindFirstChild("BodyHeightScale").Value = Heights[height]

I apologize for the lousy formatting of this post as well as the (possibly unclear) code. I have not had a chance to go through and fix up the code as none of it is finalized as of this moment.