Help resizing GUI! ASAP Please! D:

Hi everyone! Using AutoScale on Roblox studio, I successfully resized the GUI, but its doing this!

The GUI is fully resized as the frames, but not the content! What should I do? Here is the explorer tree if needed:

Please help ASAP! Thanks!


When you need to automate sizing, AutoSize isn’t your best bet. I would recommend using UIGridStyleLayout | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. If your items are set to scale, that scale is based on the size of the canvas, not the size the frame actually takes up.

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so like all of my elements should have that instance?

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No. Set the CanvasSize of the ScrollingFrame to the AbsoluteContentSize of the UIListLayout. If this doesn’t work, could you send me the file so I can check it out?

Ima try and send it to you if I don’t achieve it correctly

Did not work (I think)
ImSoDumbSoHereIsTheMenu.rbxm (16.3 KB)
here is the file cuz I can’t get it right

I switched it to use a UIGridLayout, just makes the sizing a little easier. The code below in a LocalScript inside the ScrollingFrame will automatically adjust the canvas size:

local frame = script.Parent
local layout = frame.UIGridLayout

local function updateFrame()
	local size = layout.AbsoluteContentSize
	frame.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(size.X, size.Y)


Heres a file as well(Keep in mind that the code needs to run for this to work, so you will need to press Play to see it in action):
FixedUI.rbxm (17.3 KB)

the button is not in the center is it a issue with the scrolling frame?

Here, try just using this file:
GuiPlace.rbxl (70.0 KB)
. I believe something could have been off with the sizing.