So I don’t know how to explain the issue very well but I will try.
So I have a custom name tag above the players name. (Has textScaled on and uses the size instead of offset).
However I want to add another line to it, e.g. normal - Barty200, extra line - [VIP]\nBarty200
But when I add a extra line it makes the text smaller (because of the text scaled) and dissapears when you zoom out.
What I am asking is, How do I make it so that the two lines of text are the exactly same size as the one line one?
And changing text scaled to text size won’t help because I need it to scale
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A billboard gui can contain many gui elements so what you could do is have 2 diffrent text labels instead of 1 and just make them take up half the size each. Then you could still have “textscaled” on and just adjust the size of the billboard instead.
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Thank you so much, I tried doing that but I must have done something wrong because it works now
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