Hello, this is a thread to announce the extinction of Old Animation (OA) from ROBLOX due to updates on August 24th, 2020. Although most of you could care less about a has-been animation from the past before ROBLOX started to thrive, there is surprisingly a community behind it. A large community in fact.
I don’t know if this was intentional, but the update destroyed it.
OA is basically the animation where when a player jumps/falls their arms are flicked up, and you stay like that till you land. It was not an animation, and it might not be the same if animated because server and client are different. When you’re idle, it’s just your limbs swinging really slowly.
The Problem
This animation works fine on client side, but on server side, everybody else is walking STIFF. On your screen your animation works perfectly, but nobody else is.
I know this doesn’t seem like much of an issue to you guys, but a whole community relied on this animation and I’m willing to pay for any type of work you guys provide in fixing this problem. Although most scripters are saying there is no hope anymore.
USD can be discussed, R$ preferred.
Heres a free model script of the old animation that has been used for 3 years now: