Help rotating view model towards attachment/position

So I’ve been making a rope swinging game for a few months now, and decided to add viewmodels, but I’ve got stuck on this problem where I need the arms to rotate realistically as if you were actually swinging.

The issue is, is every time I try and apply a rotation to them it just kind of goes wonky.

I’ve tried my own ideas, other ideas, other people’s code and just can’t get it to work properly.

Current Behavior

Expected Behavior:

Current Code:
Point two is the point where the rope is created, it is an attachment instance

if pointTwo then
		local direction = pointTwo.WorldPosition + (, pointTwo.WorldPosition)) * 5000)

		local rootCFrame = Viewmodel.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
		local rotationOffset = (rootCFrame - rootCFrame.p):inverse()

		Viewmodel.HumanoidRootPart.RightForearm.Transform = rotationOffset *, 0, 0), direction) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.pi / 2), 0, 0)

If you need more clarification on anything let me know.

Sorry, but this post is just really unclear and the first link you provided is locked behind a permission wall.