Help Script, tool that does not work

hello everyone here again asking for help,
this time I want to make: a script that when you click while you have a tool equipped, it equips you with an accessory.
there is this script the accessory is called MetalArmorChes.
the problem is that when I click with the equipped tool, I don’t get any accessories

What’s The Parent of The Tool?

doesnt have
What do you mean exactly

What’s The Instance / Object That You Added “Mouse1Button” Event?

clicking with the toolset.
It should be activated when you click with the tool in your hand

Well, Sorry for The Late Replay, Also Here’s The Steps To Solve This Problem



The Part That Inside The Tool Must Be Called “Handle” If It’s Called Something Else It Won’t Work.

Local Script:

	local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
		-- Code, Here What You Want To Do
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Also Please if This is The Solve, Give me The Solution To Let The People Knows That Your problem Is Already Solved.


Im on that, wait a few seconds

Alright, Fine.

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I dont know whats wrong, what do you think it could be?

ServerStorage instances aren’t replicated to the client. Put the armor in ReplicatedStorage

oh… lol ty i will try that
well it still didnt work

Is there a reason you need to use the mouse instead of Tool.Activated? I think it’d work better for this.

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yes i was going to say it thanks for correcting it

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Also You Can Put An RemoteEvent In Replicated Stroage And Do That:


local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent

	local h = Player.Character.Humanoid
		local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

Server Script:

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent

	local MetalArmorChe = game.ServerStorage.Armor.MetalArmorChe
	MetalArmorChe:Clone().Parent = Player.Character
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There’s actually no need for any of that. Tool.Activated can run server-side too.

--Put this code in a normal script inside the tool
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage");
local armor = ServerStorage.Armor;

local tool = script.Parent;

tool.Activated:Connect(function() --Fires when the tool is used
	local char = tool.Parent; --This is the character
	local metalArmor = armor.MetalArmorChe:Clone(); --Clones the armor
	metalArmor.Parent = char; --Puts it in the character
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ah yes sorry im idiot lol

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If I thought that, the remote event is for very complex or very exact things, among others, I think

Use RemoteEvents when you’re sending over client-exclusive data to the server, like the mouse for example. In this situation, you don’t need a RemoteEvent.

heck it didn’t work either …
or wait it should not be put in local script if it works Tysm!!!