Hello friends, I need some help with this since after seeing several tutorials and posts I got more confused.
For my game, i added the teams service, I have created two teams, their colors and a script. I also built a screengui that shows two buttons when entering the game, one for each team and that is the problem, when clicking on the buttons, only the frame disappears but no the player does not enter the chosen team.
The place of the script or the code may be wrong?, it is difficult for me to see the error
What can I do to make the buttons work correctly? I am new to scripting.
Thanks so much to everyone reading this.
Alright, so in the first script on line 2 when you set up the variable frame it seems there isn’t an object named frame at that level in the explorer screenshot you provided. Did you mean to say script.Parent?
Finally, did you get any errors in the output window? Hope I can help you fix this.
If it says that there is an infinite yield possible on a :WaitForChild function that means that the item that you tried to reference isn’t there or you spelled the name wrong. You could have also just messed up the path slightly. Ex: You said script.Paent:WaitForChild() when you should have said script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild()