(Optional to read) How I ended up making this post.
I’ve just recently began uploading original clothing I’ve made for others to buy. Though, while advertising it, I had encountered one customer mention to me that my clothing was “low quality.” What they were referring to was my clothing being “pixelated,” or in other words, without being “anti-aliased.” I felt the need to explain why I made that design choice, but as they’ve never used any photo-editing software, it fell on deaf ears. This had me wondering if people liked clothing that used anti-aliasing instead, or whether it didn’t matter at all.
On the left is with anti-aliasing, on the right is without anti-aliasing.
Here’s a couple more examples:
with anti-aliasing
without anti-aliasing
My question is, what do you look for when creating/purchasing classic clothing? I want to get a somewhat general idea of what others may think. This will affect how I make clothing in the future.
- I ONLY like anti-aliased clothing. (smooth lines)
- I ONLY like pixelated clothing. (rigid lines)
- I just buy clothing that I like, it doesn’t matter to me.
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