Help Test Platform Detection

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It stated that it doesn’t work for touchscreen laptops?

joined on a MacBook Air, game correctly guessed PC (close enough)

Tried a 2nd time. Supposedly an unknown tablet now.

open source when :eyes:

This seems like a great module, but I fail to understand why it would be needed. ROBLOX already provides the needed APIs to determine the type of input a user is giving. What would the ability to detect the platform of a player help with?

Note: I’m just curious on how this module may possibly benefit me, and am not trying to be rude in any way.

Since I’m having an issue currently with Windows 10 acting odd, I decided to test the normal version which I heard only detects PC and not mobile? Then tested it on Windows 10, seems odd but works I think?

PC (Normal Desktop)

Windows 10 Roblox

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I’m on a Mac BookPro …

It said, “PC”

I am on an Apple phone and it said apple phone. Can’t wait to see this open source!

I added some GUIs to expose the data so I can better see why things are going wrong. This will help me figure out the cause of the issues.

If you had incorrect detection, please go again and post the screenshot so I can have this new detailed insight!

cc: @VegetationBush @ClockworkSquirrel

as the others said, TouchEnabled fails to pick up on my Lenovo Laptop. Dragging style/UI looks identical to @VegetationBush

It’s worth to try and fixing, but it might be that relying on TouchEnabled to distinguish between PC and Touchscreen PC is not enough?

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That’s really stupid behavior- UIS.TouchEnabled is supposed to show if the device has touch enabled! The fact that it doesn’t pick up on touchscreen laptops is an issue on Roblox’s end then…


Roblox did mention that relying on these things are never accurate and that new devices are always going to be released and out in market therefore its hard to classify what defines each device into each category. Personally I just do Mobile, Console, and PC. It’s extra to try and weed out platform, touchscreen, or other fancy features and it usually only partly works.

Not sure if this is my device and how it handles the touchscreen but my Laptop with touchscreen is being seen as a PC with no TouchEnabled. Even after providing input with the touch screen it doesn’t change.

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I don’t know if this is supposed to happen, but the Loading text was stuck there forever:

I don’t know if this loads instantly or not, whatever, I got this warning in the console, I don’t know if this would help:

I forgot to mention! :open_mouth:, I’m using a Motorola e6.

Roblox documentation is utterly useless and I hate it.

It says here that it uses gyro, not accel. Sigh. Clearly not the case.

Also, my code only checks gravity if you have an accel! It seems like UIS is absolutely worthless and cannot accurately give device data.

if UIS.AccelerometerEnabled then
	local Grav = UIS:GetDeviceGravity()

This explains why it was picking me up as a touchscreen PC. My Chromebook does not support touch, however. Maybe this is just permanently enabled for the Android version.

Yes, yes, I know I am answering late to help you, but I hope this one might be interesting for you. No, I don’t have an XBox, but if someone does I hope this can help with an XBox player.

Yes, my system uses that function.

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I disabled my trackpad and my mouse and it still showed that the mouse was connected. Does disabling the trackpad have any effect on the MouseEnabled?