Help! The Chat Won't Work On My Game!

Oops sorry I fixed it, you can see it now.

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Screenshot 2021-06-07 114658

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Is “script injection on” like something I can find on every plugin? How can I find it? Thanks everyone for your time, especially @NeonTaco135, I know this is taking awhile.

You can go to the plugins section of studio and click Manage Plugins. You can see some of my plugins have Script Injection:

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Ok, thanks! No, there are no script injections… AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH :tired_face: :face_vomiting: :laughing:

Does the chat work in game or not?

Here are some plugins you should get rid of:

The Xs in the image mean to get rid of them, they’re viruses and the ? s in the image mean that I’ve never seen them and you should take a closer look at the owners.

Also, I would like to add: The “Edge” plugin isn’t really necessary anymore because UICorners are a thing now. ZacBytes is a trusted person but due to possible performance issues (and the plugin overall having no purpose anymore) you should delete that plugin.

Hope this helps! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Like in the roblox player? If so, no…

Yeah, when you play it from the website.

Ok thanks! I actually made the sword script to see how making plugins work! :rofl:

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Didn’t realize, it just seemed like a random plugin.

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Ok so actually I don’t have any of those installed so we are good with those.

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The video in the topic is actually from the website, so no.

Yeah this is SO STRANGE! Why on earth would it be deleted… I am just stumped…

Do you have team create on for your game? Chances are that a friend might have a backdoor plugin.

I do not, I am a solo dev, sigh…

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Could I possibly contact Roblox support? If so where?