Hello, today i asked myself about how the Grand Piece Online game made a matchmaking per region and you could choose on what region you will play.That’s very usefull to reduce lags.
does someone know how to make it
This would not actually work, what they probably do is figure out the current player’s region and when they move them to a server they hope it actually is EU. (You can figure out the player’s region by using their country, I reckon it is a property inside the player, country code.)
No no it works very well it only happens 1 times on 30 to get on other region
Yeah, then they just get lucky that in those “1 in a 30” is the only time they get the wrong region due to Roblox not doing it properly.
You can save a list of the servers based on regions and just teleport a player to a new one based on their region if no server of their region is available and it should work. There is literally no actual way to reserve servers of specific regions, IIRC Roblox servers do not initiate themselves immediately, at most you will just have to keep teleporting the poor person around until the correct region is selected by Roblox.