Help translating this line of c++ code

Hello, i am watching this: Maze Programming and i am trying to translate this line off c++ code

 stack<pair<int, int>> m_stack;

this is what i have so far but i am stumped

self.Make_Pair = function(x, y)

this is the stack module

local Stack = {}
local StackMt = {__index = Stack}

	local self = {}
	return setmetatable(self, StackMt)

-- puch an object into a stack
function Stack:push(input)
	self[#self+1] = input

-- remove an object from a stack
function Stack:pop()
	assert(#self >0, "Stack underflow")
	local output = self[#self]
	self[#self] = nil
	return output

return Stack

Are you trying to make a stack data structure module or a stack of pairs? I’m not very experienced with c++, but after some research a pair is also a data structure.

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in the video he never really explained so i assume its stacking, i am not that good at c++ either so i am kinda going though this blind

A pair translated to Lua is probably just an array with two indices, but I might be wrong.

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i will try this out thanks for the response :slight_smile:

Sorry for posting on this fairly old topic, but those are vectors in C++. You’d have to include the vector header files and get the standard namespace library. Now to do that in Lua, I’m not sure. There are many possible ways, but the one I think is the best is creating an array of the same types, or a dictionary with a metatable.