Hello, I have an issue where I want to darken the color of a part by a percentage of a given number value.
Basically, when a dough is being cooked, a server script increases a number value by 1% every 0.1 seconds. I want to use this value to gradually change the color of the dough to a brownish shade.
Here is a working script, although it’s rought:
local info = script.Parent:WaitForChild("info")
local handle = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Handle")
local val = info:WaitForChild("Cooked")
local stat = info:WaitForChild("Status")
if val.Value == 100 then
handle.Color = Color3.new(0.352941, 0.298039, 0.258824) -- Main color it should be aiming at.
stat = 'Cooked'
elseif val.Value > 130 then
handle.Color = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) -- Burned
stat = 'Burned'
elseif val.Value < 100 then
handle.Color = Color3.new(0.843137, 0.772549, 0.603922) -- Raw color or starting color
stat = 'Raw'
You would Interpolate the Color towards the value, You can use Color3:Lerp() if needed, as TweenService doesnt really seem nessecary for that many Tweens or for that time, and Color3:Lerp() is more controllable.
So You can say this:
local RawColor = Color3.new(0.843137, 0.772549, 0.603922)
local CookedColor = Color3.new(0.352941, 0.298039, 0.258824)
local InterpolatedColor = RawColor:Lerp(CookedColor, .01) -- 1% would be equal to .01
But if you want it to be burned, you would need it to reach the full color before burning it, if thats what youre trying to do.
The blue arrow is the main Local Script and fires a Remote Event when the Handle is touching a HitBox.
cookin = false
if t.Name == 'HitBox' and t.Parent.Name == 'Furnace' then
cookin = true
while cookin == true do
print("firing server")
if t.Name == 'HitBox' and t.Parent.Name == 'Furnace' then
cookin = false
print("not true")
If you’re going to use RunService.Heartbeat to change the Color of the Object, you may be able to have something like this, where it will smoothley transition between a Lighter Color, and a Darker color
local Raw = Color3.fromRGB(215, 197, 154) -- Start Color
local Full = Color3.fromRGB(90, 76, 66) -- Fill Color
local Duration = 10 -- Time it takes to cook
local Current = Duration -- The Current Time left
local Lerp = 0 -- Used for Lerping and Percentage
Current = math.max(0, Current - dt) -- dt would be roughly equal to 0.01 or less
-- math.max will prevent the value from going below 0
Lerp = (Duration - Current)/Duration -- The Point the Interpolation will be at
-- Because Current is getting Lower, it will actually add towards the full Duration
-- Divided by Duration would have the Value be between 0 and 1, which is what Lerp accepts
-- in Total, should take roughly 10 seconds
-- 'Lerp' (the variable) can also be used as a Percentage Value if needed
Object.Color = Raw:Lerp(Full, Lerp) -- Lerps using Data
Setting to duration for longer should have it for longer, since you want it to change every .1 seconds, every 1 second would be .1 to mark 10%, and 10 seconds would be exactly 1, as 100%, It will never be exact however.