Help tweening to center position

I got it to work!

local module = {}

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local function ConvertAbsoluteToScale(gui, targetObject, anchorPoint)
	local containerAbsolutePos = gui.AbsolutePosition
	local containerAbsoluteSize = gui.AbsoluteSize

	local frameAbsolutePos = targetObject.AbsolutePosition + (targetObject.AbsoluteSize * anchorPoint)
	local frameRelativePos = frameAbsolutePos - containerAbsolutePos

	return UDim2.fromScale(frameRelativePos.X / containerAbsoluteSize.X, frameRelativePos.Y / containerAbsoluteSize.Y)

function module.MoveTo(guiObject, targetObject, speed, gui, test)
	local origin = guiObject.AbsolutePosition

	local targetOrigin = targetObject.AbsolutePosition
	local targetAnchorPoint = targetObject.AnchorPoint

	local targetPosition = ConvertAbsoluteToScale(gui, targetObject, targetAnchorPoint)

	local distance = (targetOrigin - origin).Magnitude
	local duration = distance / speed

	local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In, 0, false, 0)
	local tween = TweenService:Create(guiObject, tweenInfo, {Position = targetPosition})

	return tween

return module

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