I’m trying to tween my frame to the target frame position but it just isn’t correct. The X axis seems correct but the Y axis is way above the target Y axis.
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local guiObject = script.Parent
local targetObject = script.Parent.TargetFrame
local function GetCenter(absoluteSize, absolutePosition, anchorPoint)
local corner = absolutePosition + (absoluteSize * anchorPoint)
local center = corner + (absoluteSize / 2)
return center
local function OffsetToScale(gui, offset)
local absoluteSize = gui.AbsoluteSize
print(offset.X, absoluteSize.X)
return UDim2.fromScale(offset.X / absoluteSize.X, offset.Y / absoluteSize.Y)
local origin = guiObject.AbsolutePosition
local targetSize = targetObject.AbsoluteSize / 2
local targetPosition = targetObject.AbsolutePosition
local targetAnchorPoint = targetObject.AnchorPoint
targetPosition = GetCenter(targetSize, targetPosition, targetAnchorPoint)
local newPosition = OffsetToScale(gui, targetPosition)
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(2, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, false, 0)
local tween = TweenService:Create(guiObject, tweenInfo, {Position = newPosition})
check anchor point, it might be different for both frames
Both frames anchorpoints are 0.5, 0.5
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I’ve tested in studio by manually calculating and it works but when playing, the gui absolutesize changes.
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yk, there is an option, from what can i see you are using linear easing style, this mean tween is not neccesary, it’s better to use lerp, also easing direction can affect tweening behavior
I don’t think the tweening is the issue.
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not tweening but easing direction
Tried changing to In but doesn’t make a difference.
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ok what i learned is that you can’t set position to vector2, you have to convert it to UDIM2
It is converted:
local function OffsetToScale(gui, offset)
local absoluteSize = gui.AbsoluteSize
return UDim2.fromScale(offset.X / absoluteSize.X, offset.Y / absoluteSize.Y)
local newPosition = OffsetToScale(gui, targetPosition)
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(duration, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In, 0, false, 0)
local tween = TweenService:Create(guiObject, tweenInfo, {Position = newPosition})
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yk, pretty much idk why you need absolute position, if normal position will do it right
I’m just learning some gui stuff and this would be useful for me.
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i tested it in studio, absolute position is pretty much pixel size, you can use normal position to achieve this effect and it would be perfect
also abosulte values are given in pixels which is not that correct, if you really want to scale something for all resolutions, use UDIM2 with first number only
I’m using Udim2.FromScale to achieve this is scaled but the Y axis is just wrong. I got IgnoreGuiInset enabled.
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listen, you don’t need to use Udim2.fromScale, simply do:
local A = script.Parent.A
local B = script.Parent.B
-- some code
local goal = {Position = B.Position}
local info = (your tween info)
local tween = TweenService:Create(A,info,goal)
tween:Play() -- will move frame to perfect frame's position, you can manipulate size if anchor point isn't 0.5,0.5
I know I can do that but if they were in different parents, I would need to use what I’m currently doing.
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then listen, absolute position is given in pixels, this mean depending on local resolution, to move your frame inside another frame, you have to do:
local goal = {Position = Udim2.new(0,B.AbsolutePosition.X,0,B.AbsolutePosition.Y)}
This works but when play testing, its position isn’t at the goal.
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it’s strange, for me it works perfectly, it might be cause of wrong positioning, have you used only scale to place gui? or you dragged it freely? if yes then please use scale only for moving it