Help Understanding Agent Parameters

I’m currently creating a pathfinding module to script to make it easier to implement pathfinding in various projects and while looking through Dev Forum post I saw this post How to make pathfinding prefer specific materials over others?. It attracted my interest because I never would have know about the additional Agent Parameter properties for a Pathfinding object.

I want to make my module simple to use but also versatile enough that it can be used to fit multiple purposes or allow for specific customization. However, I can not do this if I do not have all the information I need. When looking for more information about the parameters I came across this article, but it didn’t tell me much apart from what was self-evident. I am unsure if this is because I do not understand what it means by material weight or because there’s no documentation, but the lack of documentation is hindering my progress.

If anyone else understands what weighting in this sense means or, better yet, understands what each parameters does and how it will affect the result may you please explain it to me?


Here’s a link to the documentation. As for the functions each value has, I’m not sure as I don’t really use PathfindingService. The documentation provides a nice description of it though :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve already looked at the documentation. My point is that there is missing documentation for several parameters. Here’s a codeblock of the code example used in the Path | Roblox Creator Documentation documentation.

local agentParams = {
	AgentRadius = 2.0
	AgentHeight = 5.0
	AgentWalkableClimb = 2.0
	AgentCollisionGroupName = "RedPlayers"
	CollectionWeights = { Bridge = 2.5, Minefield = math.huge }
	MaterialWeights = { Water = 1.5 }
	AgentCanJump = false

As you can see, the link you provided only explains and documents three of the parameters when this example used even more.


Oh, I see. Must be some outdated documentation. I’m not really an expert in this, so honestly, I suggest you could maybe experiment with it. The only one I do understand is AgentCollisionGroupName, which I assume is the CollisionGroup the function will use, but again, not sure what it’s for.

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Hey dude. I had the same question several months ago. Still got no solid answer…

Oh well. I remember seeing a few months ago a request or something for pathfinding to use collision groups. I don’t know what happened to it, but if they update it maybe they’ll update the documentation?

Alright, I found the post. Thanks for trying to help me @EmeraldLimes and @triangleha.