Help understanding error and how I can fix it

This may be pretty simple but I am not understanding this error. Can anyone help?



local NewestCar = NewCar:Clone()

local pads = game.Workspace.CarSpawns
local SpawnPad = pads:FindFirstChild("Pad"..math.random(1,#pads:GetChildren()))
NewestCar:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(SpawnPad.CFrame +,3,0))
NewestCar.Parent = workspace
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This means that your car doesn’t have a primary part. Set a primary part in explorer or through a script.

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You have to set the ‘Primary part’ property to the primary part of your model.


If your model contains 10 parts, you can set the Primary part property of your model to the main part or instance of it.

(For example, the NPCS have set the primary part to “HumanoidRootPart”)

And that part will receive every word set on a script, in your case, the primary part will move to 0,3,0

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