So I am trying to understand how the Pistol model found in the map ‘Combat’ (made by roblox) works. These formulas are found on line 56-61 in a script called ‘Pistol Script’ Parented to the Pistol.
Here is the formulas/equations (found in the model ‘Pistol’, in the ‘Combat’ map which is found when you first open roblox studio):
I don’t understand what these equations do, or how they work. Can someone please explain? Thanks
I can briefly explain what everything does, I’ve never actually used the model:
= I’m assuming this means the ray creation rate
The amount of rays created in one second, to avoid unnecessary equations.
Calculating how many rays will be created
Calculating how long each ray will be
Simulating drop physics, meaning that the rays won’t just go straight forward, it will drop down more and more each time
The angle, or intensity of how much the bullet drops
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This helped so much. Thanks! (30 characters)
Thank you for this guide, anyway thanks again for teaching me🙂