I have a question on how I take something I made from blender and put it in roblox
Press file, export, obj., then go into the properties of a meshpart and press the folder button, then select your file, and boom.
Hey! So, in Blender 3D, you will want to have your model in Blender selected. Then, you will want to hover over File > Export > (Wavefront) ‘.obj’. Then, on the saving panel on the left, you will want to make sure you have “Selection Only” ticked as you only want the model to be exported and not the whole collection. It should look like this.
Then, go to Roblox Studio and make sure you add a “Mesh Part” into the workspace, and go to the ‘Properties’ tab on the right. You will then see “Mesh ID” with a little folder icon to the right of it. Should look like this! Then, click on the folder icon and locate your ‘.obj’ file that you saved previously and click “Open”. That should do the trick for ya!
Bear in mind, this can also work if you export it as a ‘.fbx’ file but, I personally like to use ‘.obj’ as it tends to reserve UV maps and textures better.
Hope this helps!
Thank you guys so much your so much help !