Help using Knit to create custom inventory system

So I am trying to learn Knit framework so that my projects are more organised and I can maintain them better. To get started I am trying to create a custom inventory system, but I’m not really sure where to start.

Should I have a Players Service that stores all player’s data curently in the game, and then have an Inventory Service that handles adding/removing items from the Inventory? If I did go with this approach, how would I change the data in the Players Service? Maybe a function, but how would it know which bits of data to update?

Should I attatch an Inventory component to every player and handle everything that way?

It’s all just quite confusing, and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.
(Side note: I do have experience with OOP and I have done this before using OOP, but using a framework is new to me)

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