HELP! Using LookAt() at a A*Star code pathfinding makes the wheels stuck visually for players only!

So my truck uses a A*Star network over built-in nodes, and to add RUBBERBANDING, i have to make it 125 studs per second and have LookAt() to make it steer perfectly at any high speed ranged 125-4000 SPS (studs per seconds), Why is it that when using LookAt() it makes the wheels stuck visually, but when not used, its not occuring the problem?
Run Mode:

Play Mode:

LookAt() is making VehicleSeat Look At a node (for more information)

Also another update, This problem will occur at ANY part with LookAt() function

You may need to adjust the speed or direction of the rotation, or use a different method to achieve the desired effect.

And another possibility is that there is a bug or other issue in your code that is causing the visual problem.

Nope, removing LookAt(), will not make the problem occur, readding it back in WILL DO

I think you need to divide the steering unit by the distance it is to the waypoint.

If this doesn’t fix the issue, what is your code for controlling the steering of the vehicle?

To be honest, this is SEEMS like a bug, cause naturally run mode is the only mode thats getting the most updates, Maybe if they update play mode this can be fixed. BUT THE PROBLEM IS im not a regular