Help! weird blue 5000 info lines in the output stopping the looped script!

The script stops working after this, What do i do?

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Hey, can you share the script please?

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this may sound dumb, but i wanna keep my script private. but i can provide the functions. i am really private with my code.

Line 212: main()
Line 134:¨

	if path ~= nil then
			task.wait(0.01)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again

		task.wait(0.01)  --

Line 191:


function main()
		-- get closest node to police car and target
		local startNode = getClosestNode(policeCar.Position, nodesFolder:GetChildren())
		local endNode = getClosestNode(target.Position, nodesFolder:GetChildren())

		-- run A* search algorithm to find path
		local path = aStarSearch(startNode, endNode, nodesFolder:GetChildren())

		-- follow path
		if path ~= nil then
			task.wait(0.01)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again

		task.wait(0.01)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again

	function followPath(path)
		local currentTargetIndex = 1

		-- loop until target is reached
		while currentTargetIndex <= #path do
			-- get current target node
			local currentTarget = path[currentTargetIndex]

			-- Calculate Part2_Forward based on the average of all parts in the folder

			-- Calculate the dot product between Part1's forward direction and the direction to Part2

			-- Check if Part2 is within the field of view

			local params =
			params.FilterDescendantsInstances = { script.Parent }

			-- move police car towards target
			local speed = 50 -- change this value to adjust the speed of the police car
			local threshold = math.clamp(script.Parent.VehicleSeat.Velocity.Magnitude * 0.98314,0,math.huge) -- change this value to adjust the distance threshold for switching to the next target

			local direction = (currentTarget.Position - policeCar.Position).Unit
			local distance = getDistance(currentTarget.Position, policeCar.Position) 

			local distance2 = getDistance(target.Position, policeCar.Position)
			local DetectionAngle = math.rad(105)
			-- print(dotProduct, 'dotted')
			-- print(threshold)
			--		print(distance)

			while distance > threshold do
				-- move towards target

				-- Define the parts

				-- Define the tweening options
				currentTarget.BrickColor ='Really red')
				script.Parent.Node.Value = currentTarget
				-- Create the tween
				if path ~= nil then
					task.wait(0.001)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again
					script.Parent.Node.Value = currentTarget

				task.wait(0.001)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again


			-- generate a new path once the police car reaches the current target node

			-- move to next target
			currentTargetIndex = currentTargetIndex + 1
	-- main function to start the search and follow the path

	-- call main function to start script


The A*Star code is only hidden because its not causing the root

I don’t know why in Dev Forum, the path syntax is highlighted blue which could mean its already a function, but try change the path name into something else.

path --blue 
pathAstar --not blue

path is not a mentioned syntax in studio LUA scripting.

You forgot to add wait/task.wait, add one under that line, it’s running too fast and overloading

  • A_Star:134
    14:46:54.483 Script ‘Workspace.Police_Cruiser_NPC.A_Star’, Line 193 - function followPath - Studio - A_Star:193
    14:46:54.483 Script ‘Workspace.Police_Cruiser_NPC.A_Star’, Line 134 - function main - Studio - A_Star:134
    14:46:54.483 Script ‘Workspace.Police_Cruiser_NPC.A_Star’, Line 193 - function followPath - Studio - A_Star:193
    14:46:54.483 Script ‘Workspace.Police_Cruiser_NPC.A_Star’, Line 134 - function main - Studio - A_Star:134
    14:46:54.483 Script ‘Workspace.Police_Cruiser_NPC.A_Star’, Line 214 - Studio - A_Star:214
    14:46:54.483 Stack End - Studio,
	-- helper function to follow a path
	function main()
		-- get closest node to police car and target
		local startNode = getClosestNode(policeCar.Position, nodesFolder:GetChildren())
		local endNode = getClosestNode(target.Position, nodesFolder:GetChildren())

		-- run A* search algorithm to find path
		local path = aStarSearch(startNode, endNode, nodesFolder:GetChildren())

		-- follow path
		if path ~= nil then
			task.wait(0.01)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again

		task.wait(0.01)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again

	function followPath(path)
		local currentTargetIndex = 1

		-- loop until target is reached
		while currentTargetIndex <= #path do
			-- get current target node
			task.wait(0.001)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again

			local currentTarget = path[currentTargetIndex]

			-- Calculate Part2_Forward based on the average of all parts in the folder

			-- Calculate the dot product between Part1's forward direction and the direction to Part2

			-- Check if Part2 is within the field of view

			local params =
			params.FilterDescendantsInstances = { script.Parent }

			-- move police car towards target
			local speed = 50 -- change this value to adjust the speed of the police car
			local threshold = math.clamp(script.Parent.VehicleSeat.Velocity.Magnitude * 0.98314,0,math.huge) -- change this value to adjust the distance threshold for switching to the next target

			local direction = (currentTarget.Position - policeCar.Position).Unit
			local distance = getDistance(currentTarget.Position, policeCar.Position) 

			local distance2 = getDistance(target.Position, policeCar.Position)
			local DetectionAngle = math.rad(105)
			-- print(dotProduct, 'dotted')
			-- print(threshold)
			--		print(distance)

			while distance > threshold do
				-- move towards target

				-- Define the parts

				-- Define the tweening options
				currentTarget.BrickColor ='Really red')
				script.Parent.Node.Value = currentTarget
				-- Create the tween
				if path ~= nil then
					task.wait(0.001)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again
					script.Parent.Node.Value = currentTarget

				task.wait(0.001)  -- Wait a short interval before checking again


			-- generate a new path once the police car reaches the current target node

			-- move to next target
			currentTargetIndex = currentTargetIndex + 1
	-- main function to start the search and follow the path

	-- call main function to start script


Well what now?