[Help] Weird Building Glitch

I’m attempting to build a custom rig to animate and there is this glitch or weird bug that is happening when i attempt to move, scale, or rotate my parts within the rig model. Whenever i try to do one of those things, the part completely teleports away and its also happening when i try to animate the rig.

(Example: I try to rotate the right shoulder and the right shoulder part appears under the rig and keeps glitching back to that spot when i try to move it back into its intended place)

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For anyone reading this in the future, here are some things that worked for me:

Setting the models primary part to the HumanoidRootPart.

Naming the joints correctly (Right Shoulder, Right Hip, etc.)

And making sure everything is unanchored.

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You have Collisions set to true, that is why it keep happening


Thanks, I’ll see if this also helps