Help welding a tool

So basically I want to know how to weld a tool because my tool isn’t on the player right… Here is the video: Picture


You could use CloneTroopers tool editor to help with the weld


Try to use Tool Grip Editor by EgoMoose

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I was about to say that, wow :stuck_out_tongue:


Pretty sure its not called weld, but grip instead. Try using the Tool Grip Editor plugin, you can use the one made by CloneTrooper1019, or EgoMoose’s one.


Where is @EgoMoose’s plugin, (CloneTroopers one cost robux)

Oh ya, CloneTroop’s one can be compiled for free,
This plugin can be assembled for free using Rojo, from my GitHub page:


There is a tool grip, editor that is 75 robux by CloneTrooprer. Use it all the time, it works like a charm!

How do you use it though? (30 chars)

Oh ya, CloneTroop’s one can be compiled for free,
This plugin can be assembled for free using Rojo, from my GitHub page:
CloneTrooper1019/Roblox-Plugins/Tool-Grip-Editor Try that, and it will work better for you.

Please let me know if you need help compiling it.

How do you use EgoMooses one? (30 chars)

It says it in the description. Heres the description: Selected the tool whole grip you want to edit then click the plugin button. Use “p” to print the curren grip, “t” to change the step, and “z” to change between translation and rotation. Simply drag to the ideal position relative to the character. When done click the button again and the grip will be set.

Wow now the tool doesn’t show up at all

Uh, hmm send me a picture. (30 chars)

Alright hold on, I’m gonna install this plugin and help you out.

Ok, when your finished editting the tools grip, did you click on the plugin button so it went away?

Yeah I did, all i did was rotate the tool and then clicked on the tool grip plugin button

Honestly, I could help you out on Team Create. IDK if thats allowed but, hmm you might of put your grip way too low so your tool when picked up goes very low down.