Help with a basic script

how come this script isnt working? there is a click detector in the button and im not sure what i need to add to make this work.

	script.Parent.Parent.pole1.Transparency = 0
	script.Parent.Parent.pole1.CanCollide = true
	script.Parent.Parent.pole1.Transparency = 1
	script.Parent.Parent.pole1.CanCollide = false
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Maybe you need the :connect event.

Example: (insert variable here).Touched:connect(Clicked)

Maybe something like that, I don’t know I use it for my power up scripts :confused:

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I think your issue is with using ‘MouseButton1Down’ which isn’t an event of ClickDetector but is an event of Mouse.

Try this:

local clickDetector = script.Parent.ClickDetector

local function doStuff()


that didnt work for some reason

You have 2 ends

Remove 1 end and you’ll be good to go. Did you check your output?

Please check your output to debug.
There’s 2 end)'s in the script, remove 1.

They already have their event connected. “:connect” is deprecated while “:Connect” isn’t, their issue is that they have 2 ends

Try this:


  --change pole transparency and cancollide here


It should be inside of a ClickDetector.

alright thanks that should work

still didnt work any other suggestions for it to work

Is this script inside the ClickDetector or a Model?

its now inside the click detector

thanks for the help @08Boat i just made a new script listening to what you said and it now works

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