I am trying to make a rainbow outline and gui
I tried using the same script I used for the Brick
Do you have the outline on there? If so, please say the script you have and we can help you
yes I have an outline,
and this is the script:
local t = 5;
while wait() do
local hue = tick() % t / t
local color = Color3.fromHSV(hue,1,1)
script.Parent.Color = color
it works fine on parts, but I need a script for SelectionBox, and UIGradient
What do you mean by selection box?
outline, a selection box is an outline
How’s this?
To do the rainbow effect on the selection box you need to change it’s color3 property where textlabels you need to change the textcolor3, so i made a function to make each properties color rainbow.
The code would be the following:
local part = script.Parent
local selectionBox = part.SelectionBox
local billboardGui = part.BillboardGui
local textLabel = billboardGui.TextLabel
local t = 5;
function rainbowEffect(itemToBeColored, property)
while wait() do
local hue = tick() % t / t
local color = Color3.fromHSV(hue,1,1)
itemToBeColored[property] = color
rainbowEffect(selectionBox, "Color3")
rainbowEffect(textLabel, "TextColor3")
If you want to make Rainbow for that GUI
Insert into TextLabel A UIGradient and LocalScript and in LocalScript put this
local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
local rainbow = script.Parent -- GUI object
local grad = rainbow.UIGradient
local counter = 0 -- phase shift
local w = math.pi / 12 -- frequency
local CS = {} -- colorsequence table
local num = 15 -- number of colorsequence points (maxed at 15 or 16 I believe)
local frames = 0 -- frame counter, used to buffer if you want lower framerate updates
if math.fmod(frames, 2) == 0 then
for i = 0, num do
local c = Color3.fromRGB(127 * math.sin(w*i + counter) + 128, 127 * math.sin(w*i + 2 * math.pi/3 + counter) + 128, 127*math.sin(w*i + 4*math.pi/3 + counter) + 128)
table.insert(CS, i+1, ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(i/num, c))
grad.Color = ColorSequence.new(CS)
CS = {}
counter = counter + math.pi/40
if (counter >= math.pi * 2) then
counter = 0
if frames >= 1000 then
frames = 0
frames = frames + 1