Help with a resize script?

I’m attempting to make a resize script akin to Studio, but I don’t know where to go from here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Snippet that calls the resize function:

			elseif Editing == true and string.find(Mouse.Target.Name, "Handle") then
				Resizing = true
				local Handle = Mouse.Target
				local Direction = string.split(Handle.Name, " ")[1]
				while task.wait() and Resizing do
					ResizePart(Handle, Direction)


Resize function, I have no idea how to continue from here:

local function ResizePart(Handle, Direction)
	local Part = Handle.Parent

	if Direction == "Left" then

	elseif Direction == "Right" then

	elseif Direction == "Top" then

	elseif Direction == "Bottom" then

	elseif Direction == "Front" then

	elseif Direction == "Back" then


(This is in a local script!)