so, i am trying to make a command that everyone can use, like this /e korblox
and it gives them the korblox leg. I found a similar script just need help.
-- mine here --
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local korblox = player.Character -- don't know what goes there
local msg = player.Chatted
local korbloxmsg = "/e korblox" or "/e korblox "
local krleg = 000000
if msg == korbloxmsg then
-- from adoins admin --
RightLeg = {
Prefix = Settings.Prefix;
Commands = {"rleg";"rightleg";"rightlegpackage";};
Args = {"player";"id";};
Hidden = false;
Description = "Change the target player(s)'s Right Leg package";
Fun = true;
AdminLevel = "Moderators";
Function = function(plr,args)
local id = service.MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(args[2]).AssetTypeId
if id~=31 then
error('ID is not a right leg!')
local model = service.Insert(args[2], true)
for i,v in pairs(service.GetPlayers(plr,args[1])) do
if v.Character then
Functions.ApplyBodyPart(v.Character, model)
i really don't know how to put the korblox leg, since if it would've been r6 then it would just be named. rightleg, really would like the help!