I need help with a script.The script is working just fine. But I want too add on to it. How do I make it so that each phrase(string) won’t duplicate itself twice? For example.
We have 3 strings. “hi” “hello” “hey”
I don’t want it so it goes “hi” “hi” “hello” I don’t want two of the same strings together. I want them to be operate so they will never be duplicated together. If this doesn’t make sense tell me and I will try my best to make it more understandable.
local text = {
"Random stuff generating";
"Boring loading screen made just for you";
"Your computers slow";
"Taking up storage...";
"Devs have hammers that boot people in the sun";
"Tip: Dont die";
while wait(2) do
script.Parent.Text = text[math.random(1,#text)]
I’m not sure I understand, are you trying to say you don’t want it to choose the same thing twice?
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yes. To make it so that the same string isn’t together.
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Here’s what I would do:
local text = {
"Random stuff generating";
"Boring loading screen made just for you";
"Your computers slow";
"Taking up storage...";
"Devs have hammers that boot people in the sun";
"Tip: Dont die";
local lastChosen = 0 -- the last item number
local chosen = 0 -- the current item number
while wait(2) do
chosen = math.random(1,#text)
until chosen ~= lastChosen -- Repeats until the current item number is not equal to the last item number
script.Parent.Text = text[chosen]
lastChosen = chosen -- sets the last chosen item number to the current item number
I have a system similar to this in my game when choosing out gamemodes.
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Did you mean script.Parent.Text = text[chosen]
Yes I did, thank you for pointing that out. I corrected it.
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