What i want to make a block, where if pressed you get +1 value/balance and it moves its position afterward.
The issue is that my code only moves the part when clicked once. if i try and click again, it does not change its position
i dont get why it only changes its position once and wont do it again?
i tried making a loop, couldnt figure out how to really make it a loop. ive tried looking for solutions on here but couldnt find anything really
im relatively new to scripting, i would love any feedback or tips.
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
local balance = Instance.new("IntValue")
balance.Name = "GrassPoints™"
balance.Parent = leaderstats
leaderstats.Parent = plr
local clickpart = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("grass")
local grassmaxxpos = 46
local grassmaxypos = 0
local grassmaxzpos = 0
local grassxpos = math.random(1, grassmaxxpos)
local grassypos = 0
local grasszpos = 0
local point = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("GrassPoints™")
point.Value += 1
workspace.grass.Position = Vector3.new(grassxpos, grassypos, grasszpos)