I’ve tried increasing friction, reducing weight, increasing velocity, and giving the object itself LinearVelocity to no avail. Not sure what else I could try.
I’m using AssemblyLinearVelocity at 50 to move the objects. However, each conveyor belt is on a slight incline, and the objects won’t move because of it.
then you would just add some touch event to trigger it… but it moves up the slope…because it is just moving the part from a to b or in other ones computing the distance of the ‘conveyor’…
LinearVelocity should be your best bet here, I tried it recently to find a better solution to a similar system in my game (Velocity blocks, but it’s a building game so yeah).
Make sure that the LinearVelocity constraint is set correctly, aka
Putting an attachment in the part and setting Attachment0 of the LinearVelocity to that attachment
Setting the VelocityConstraintMode to line, which will make it keep a constant velocity on that line
Now, you can either set LineDirection to the look vector of your conveyor belt, or you can put an attachment in the conveyor, and set RelativeTo to that attachment, and it should follow the direction of the conveyor
You can also disable ForceLimitsEnabled, and it will just keep that constant velocity even going strait up into the sky
If this doesn’t work, another solution that works (and am using instead of this) is to set the AssemblyLinearVelocity of the part every frame. However, this technique doesn’t run on every physics frame since it cannot be accessed by scripts, and thus has some issues…
I’ve got conveyors that slope upward in my Construction Site game. I have the AssemblyLInearVelocity set to 0,1,6 to push the Part upward as well as move it along the conveyor.
Actually my conveyor is rotated slightly, so the numbers are .172, 1, 6. It’s fairly long so I just played with the 1st number to get the items staying centered on the belt.
If the item jiggles then play with the Y value. The slope of my conveyor was about 6 studs horizontal and 1 stud vertical, so those numbers fit my application.
If your conveyor speed is 10 studs/second and it rises 1.5 studs then put 1.5 for the Y.
If the speed is 4 studs/sec and the rise is 1.3 studs in 4 studs then put 1.3 as the Y value.