Help with adding background Image to Chat Window


While developping my game I decided to add a background image to the chat.
So basically I took an already existing object and Parented it to the chat.

So here’s the script:
Type: Local
Parent: StarterGUI

local Effect = --The Image, it's an image label. Its parents is the script

for i, v in ipairs(UI:GetChildren()) do

if v.Name == "Chat" then


Effect.Parent = v.Frame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Frame_MessageLogDisplay --This is where the image will be placed.



Basically this works, the image label is placed at the correct place, but when the chat fades away… The ImageLabel doesn’t fade too.

So I’ve looked at every chat script trying to figure out things and found nothing that’s helping me.

So how can I add a background image to the chat? (that fades away with the others).

Thanks for reading!

I’ve been struggling with this for very long and I am sure someone has done this before.

I don’t know which script to modify so when the chat window fades with all its children, the imageLabel fades with the others or if I could add an image with

Are the properties of the image label affecting that it’s not fading (having script activity) or is it that the imagelabel is not registered in a way where chat modules don’t do anything to it? I need to know how I can fix this.

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I am avoiding redoing all the chat and keeping the default chat.

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    Effect.ImageTransparency = v.Frame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Frame_MessageLogDisplay.BackgroundTransparency
    Effect.BackgroundTransparencyTransparency = v.Frame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Frame_MessageLogDisplay.BackgroundTransparency