Help with adding viewport frame to part so it's visible at all times

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I am trying to make the local player and a MeshPart visible even when there’s a color correction effect active that makes everything pitch black.
  2. What is the issue?
    I can’t seem to achieve this, the meshpart doesn’t move, it’s static and anchored. I create a dark color correction effect which makes everything go pitch black but I want the local player and the MeshPart to still be perfectly visible.
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I tried using highlights but that doesn’t show the details, I looked through like 4 different posts but none could help, I saw some people talk about using viewport frames but I have no idea how to do that, I looked on youtube but there’s nothing there!

If you aren’t sure what I am trying to achieve, it’s very similar to the Mahoraga ritual in JJS. It’s the only game that I have found that seems to have this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

There isn’t really a way to this using color correction. But, I achieved this by using a pitch black skybox and removed all celestial bodies and lighting effects and all the colored parts.
This gave me such an effect:

Thanks for the response, but do you think this is the way to go like if I have a really huge map, do I just set everything to fully transparent? and what about things that don’t have transparency like accessories and other stuff

You can manipulate the “Fog” property of lighting. Though, it’s only visible is there is no atmosphere instance so you have to remove it.

Anyways you can set the fog end to something like 50 and the fog start to the same value, i.e, 50. This makes it start and end instantly and you won’t need to make all parts transparent. This way you can just take the closest parts and parent them all to something like the replicated storage.

if I make the fog end too small then it looks kinda trash, if I try to make it look good then I have to work with a lot of parts, I don’t know, I’ll play with it a bit but I doubt it’ll look as good as jjs

Update, It works surprisingly well! Thank you for your help!

What value did you set it to?

Maybe, I couldn’t think of any other way though. Other then…

You can model all the parts in workspace into a single group and add a highlight instance with fill color set to 0,0,0. But this is just a way to not having to place parts in rep storage or make them transparent.

Great! Glad I could be of your assisstance.

Great idea, I set it to fog end 70 and start 10, I also changed some other properties too.

To make this more clear for any future developers:
You can either use the fog property of lighting, or:
Make a highlight parented to workspace with: Pitch black fill color, transparent outline, add black skybox, set Lighting’s ClockTime property to 0 (removes sun), then add a highlight to the player’s character (FillTransparency = 0.99, FillColor = white/black, OutlineTransparency = 1), then group the stuff you want to still see after everything turns black into a model and into that model put the same highlight (FillTransparency = 0.99, FillColor = white/black, OutlineTransparency = 1). And done!
Oh and I encountered a bug with this where it covers some of the things that do have a highlight in them, specifically MeshParts. If this happens to you too I recommend setting the workspace’s highlight’s DepthMode to Occluded.

highlightInstace.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.Occluded

Hope this helps!

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